Audio Interview- Amani Salahudeen

Sr. Zarinah’s family has been in Trenton since 1938. She grew up in Trenton, NJ and then moved a little bit away from Trenton. She hosts a TV show called “Perspectives” near the DC area. “Perspectives”  highlights stories told by minorities.  Anida is a community member and friend who grew up in Trenton during her childhood until she recently moved a little bit away.

Sr.Zarinah shared her insight on what it’s been like living in Trenton and shared some stories about her life.


Here’s the interview:

I did #1-3.


Sr. Zarinah is my mom’s friend’s friend whom we got to know recently.  Anida is a friend of mine who grew up in Trenton.

1st audio file transcript Sr.Zarinah

(older- Sr. Zarinah and younger- Anida)

1. What is it like being a resident of Trenton?

“I grew up there and I was born there in 1938. I went to Trenton High School which was integrated and I learned a lot there.”

2. Who was the most important person in your life? Can you please tell me a little bit about him or her?

“My mother who passed away 13 years ago. She was a renaissance woman. She was very involved in her church and she was my main influence. And her parents, my grandparents were a big influence in my life. My grandparents moved in 1915 from the south and my family has been in Trenton for 103 years.”

3. What is your proudest moment?

“Becoming a Muslim 45 years ago and having my son, who is 41 years old. ”

4. And professionally?

“I am currently in California right now at a major Muslim press event.  It’s called the African American pioneer Muslim TV show for my show ‘Perspective in Interfaith.’ The best thing is being able to interface with people.”

5. What was your favorite school memory?

“Going to San Francisco State.”

#2 Anida (short profile of a character in the community & expert on Trenton history)

-then and now (younger)

Anida’s part:

1. What was it like growing up in Trenton?

  • “helped bring Muslim & American identity together
  • Big diversity in Trenton area
  • People see Trenton in a negative light but there’s a positive side  to it which is the community and unity.”

2. Can you tell me about a favorite memory from when you were growing up in Trenton?

  • “Heritage Day-weekend in June that commenced the beginning of summer.
  • Huge festival-vendors, festivals, and food.”

3. Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me a little bit about him or her?

  • My dad. The struggles he endured as an immigrant starting over in America. I view it as being brave, selfless, and he wanted a better life for his children especially his daughters. Education was extremely important to him.”

4. What are you proudest of?

“To see that my community is understanding the importance of bring more inclusive towards the youth and others.

-Standing for our rights=protests.”

5. Do you have any favorite school-related memories? You can feel free to just list one or two.

“I went to my 10 year HS reunion. Another favorite moment was my jr and sr year of high school because my school did pep rallies and that was a lot of fun to attend.”

6. What can you tell me what you know about Trenton history/culture?

  • The meaning behind “Trenton Makes the World Takes is that Trenton is known for the industrial factories.
  • People from the South would migrate to Trenton to support their families.
  • Abandoned factories back then and nowadays it’s being turned into condos.
  • People used to come to Trenton to find work.
  • Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was made from Trenton.
  • West -Trenton — homes are huge and gorgeous. Doctors and other professionals used to make Trenton their vacation homes but now they use The Hamptons.”









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