Government Leak Timeline
Government information leaks have been going on for a long time, and we can learn a good deal about our society by examining the content of a leak, as well as public response to the leak itself. This timeline features a few prominent examples (dating back to 1773) of data leaks and a brief explanation of what happened as a result.
The examples of data leaks provide evidence as to why a free press is necessary. Journalists regularly face scrutiny from government officials, so is important for there to be a balance. A free press can, at its best, make people want a more honest government. Ideally, government officials always consider the people they are representing as they meet with other politicians, draft legislations, etc. but it is doubtful that this is the case. There are many powerful special interest groups who hire lobbyists to influence elections and make huge campaign contributions. The possibility of truth being exposed (in the form of a leak) can keep these officials honest.