Twitter Scavenger Hunt (Misc. Group)

Our group consisted of Julia Meehan, Ashley Cooperman, and Pravin Persaud. Our group name was Misc. because we all had different beat topics.

  1. Civic Spirit

2. Eating Spot

3. Local Business Owner

4. Student on the Street

5. Academic Excellence

6. Scenic Spot

7. Little Known Fact

8. Culture Club

9. Fun Fact



Responses to Other Students:


Final Thoughts:

This exercise was a great look into the life of a social media manager. It was fun to capture the best parts of the campus and surrounding area and share fun facts and insights. It was also a good exercise in interviewing and presented a unique challenge because of the short nature of tweets.

In that vein, the hardest part of this process was trimming down thoughts and quotes to fit within Twitter’s character limit. When planning for this assignment, that didn’t seem like too big a deal. However, out in the field, it was a challenge to decide what needed to be cut. Although long words and complex vocabulary words are celebrated in traditional forms of writing, in tweets it was important to consider the effectiveness of more simple words and use those instead.

Another fun part of this assignment was the media involved in the tweets. As journalism becomes more of a “cottage industry” where one person does a lot of different tasks, it was good practice to take our own pictures and shoot our own, albeit short, video. Finding the right shot to encompass the information in the tweets was a rewarding process.

Overall, this assignment showed that tweeting is not as simple as it’s thought to be. It is important to really think your content through to make sure it is concise, effective and correct. Although tweeting for personal use can be simple and thoughtless at times, tweeting with a professional purpose is a whole other process that takes time to perfect.





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