First Gen: Navigating Life As A College Student

Navigating life in college is difficult for everyone but it’s especially difficult for first generation students. First-gen students are the first in their immediate family to attend a college or university. While most students can count on their parents—who have attended college— to take care of everything and answer any questions, first gen students, like Bella Carmona Ramirez, Sophomore Psychology student at TCNJ, have to do it all on their own. Fortunately, high schools and colleges have begun implementing programs to help first gen students navigate their way through college. The EOF Program at TCNJ helps students transition from high school to college using academic coaching and mentoring. The College is aware of the disadvantages first generation students face, so it has programs like the EOF Program to make sure that first generation students are granted the same opportunities to succeed in college as the rest of the student body. In this story, Bella Ramirez talks about the struggles of being a first gen college student and what it means to be apart of the first gen community.