Embedded Audio Clip: Interview
November 2, 2018
The College of New Jersey
By: Jolie Shave
In a digital world, traditional art can be hard to come by when its not hanging in a museum accompanied by a shiny “don’t touch” sign. In a desperate attempt to keep up, art has been finding its way into the unfamiliar realm of technology. In any way it can, it appears on handheld and desktop screens. Technology has allowed classical and modern art alike to be shared via photographs and even videos on websites and social media. This has also opened the door for digital art to join in. The need for graphic designers is on the rise as more businesses increase their reliance on the internet to advertise and sell their products. One of these ambitious designers-to-be is Antonio Bevacqui.
Bevacqui is only a freshman at The College of New Jersey, but he has more experience than most others within his graphic design major. He has the upper-hand of being an artist himself. In his free time, Bevacqui sits behind any one of his four sketchbooks and draws whatever whimsical doodles come to mind. Some turn into simple sketches, others into complex, full-color works of art that find a spot in the gallery on his wall.
When I had the opportunity to interview him earlier today, he explained exactly where his talent started and how that translates into the work he’s currently doing as a graphic design major. “Overall, [graphic design] helps people communicate through an artistic way on an online basis,” said Bevacqui.
You can listen to the full interview below: