Amani Salahudeen’s Twitter Scavenger Hunt
#WIMMF2018 “I initially started Radwa Vogue as a hobby, but suddenly found myself creating my own brand and store. I’m an educator and happen to love fashion, so Radwa Vogue combined those two worlds for me. It’s something I love doing.”-Radwa, a local businesswoman.
#WIMMF2018 “Worldwide floor coverings is a family run business and working with a private company is rewarding. More so than a public corporation. I enjoy working with people and the public.” – Georgian Ulshafer . Assistant store manager.
#WIMMF2018 Student on the street . Video clip of a student talking about their favorite local restaurant or business . Below is a video from a student named Abeerah.
#WIMMF2018 Academic excellence. The tutoring center at TCNJ contributes towards student learning.
#WIMMF2018 . Freestyle. The art and Multimedia building has a really nice small art gallery that other students might not know about .