Rachel Boland Audio Post

Title IX Internship

I recently spoke to my friend Cassie Halper about her internship at the Title IX office here at TCNJ. Throughout the year, I have only had a vague idea about what Title IX is from hearing her mention it in conversation. In this interview, I asked her to clarify a little more the intent of the Title IX legislation and what it will do for our school in particular. She also spoke about why she wanted this particular internship out of the many that are available on campus and about the process she went through to apply for this internship.

I found it really interesting to know more about what she’s been doing there. Cassie is also my roommate and for the duration of this semester, I’ve seen her go to work every week without knowing most of what she is doing there. Getting a better idea of the good that the Title IX legislation is trying to accomplish not only on this campus but on so many around the country was eye-opening.

Below you can listen to the entire story from Cassie.

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