Trenton High School’s Influence on Musicians

Trenton takes great pride in the many talented people that originate from the small capital of New Jersey.  Trenton High School has been known to produce many infamous musicians. Some of the greats include two members of Kool and the Gang, Sarah Dash, and Nona Hendryx. These musicians have each made a substantial impact on music today. All have been either born or raised in Trenton, New Jersey and have attended Trenton High School. The school used to provide students with a variety of arts classes that they could fully engage in. There is an issue with the school system today because so few art programs are at close reach.

Trenton High School has been a four-year home for many talented students. Only some teachers have the privilege of saying they had an impact on famous musicians today. One of those lucky teachers was Thomas A. Passerella. Passerella had the opportunity to work with many talented students decades ago. He explains the importance of art programs in schools. In order to stay away from gangs and bad influences, many students resorted to music and other arts. Without the opportunity to excel in these programs, many of the greats could have went down a bad path.

The school has less variety of art programs. There used to be many more opportunities for students who loved the arts, but there are less opportunities now. When making cuts, they tried very hard to limit the amount of cuts in the art programs, but they still had to make some. This is problematic because the school now does not offer children another way to express themselves. This may lead to children going down different paths. That is not the only problem with the school system.

There is such a distinct difference between past music and music of the time. Passerella says, “so many fine musicians came out of Trenton because everything was like / well all music had to be live, not like DJ’s like today.” This fact is so crucial to the music industry. There is presently a lower demand on talent. You do not have to know how to play an instrument or sing in order to be famous. You can know technology very well and still be one of the most popular musicians in the world. Students who went to Trenton High School during the 20th century did not have the option of technology. Everything was done with talent and an actual instrument. Which is why so many talented people came out of the school. Passerella says, “Music has become visual, not so much about music / It’s all about entertainment now / I remember the issues of gangs, poverty, and neighborhood tension in the city coming up / Music gave them (students) opportunities to meet others / Celebrate other people (referring to race) / Not just tolerate.”

Trenton High School has given so many students chances to further their education and career in music. They would allow students to perform live in bars, and gave them concert opportunities. This helped the crime rate in Trenton at the time. People did not have to rely on gangs to let out frustration or meet other people, they had music to help them along the way. However, many things have changed from those times. Trenton no longer offers so many programs for students. This is a problem that should be more heavily addressed.

Trenton High School

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