Our Twitter Scavenger Hunt
Jessica Rech & Alyssa Louis
This was our experience:
The Twitter Scavenger Hunt was an unique, yet significant experience. The activity incorporated many of the necessary skills required for journalists. As a team, we needed to work together to find people to participate, think of places that fit the criteria, formulate comprehensive and engaging tweets, and finally, interact with other tweets from our classmates. The rain didn’t slow us down as we made our way around campus, but the awkward engagements with students as we rushed to explain why we were interrupting their routine surely did. Naturally, people are uncomfortable with being interviewed and having their photo taken. Therefore, it is always crucial to be friendly and grateful for their input and the time they are taking out of their day to assist us. The experience was insightful because it made us realize the need to hone our interviewing skills and ability to converse with people without preparation. The project also demonstrated the recent impact of social media on journalism. The ability to easily and instantaneously deliver information to your audience and have them interact with it just as quickly is mutually beneficial and should be taken advantage of. It forces journalists to be even more clear, concise, and captivating in their ideas and arguments.
Here are the tweets we posted:
1. School Spirit!
2. Favorite Eating Spot
3. Professor on the Street
4. Student on the Street
5. Academic Excellence
6. Scenic Spot
7. Little-Known Fact
8. Extracurricular Extravaganza
9. Freestyle
10. Engage! Here's five comments where we responded to tweets by our classmates:
These are our top 3 favorite tweets from our classmates!
Thanks for reading!
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