Julia Duggan
Writer, Musician
Music is to the soul what words are to the mind
-Modest Mouse
There is a very simple reason as to why I decided to combine both music and writing, they compliment each other and offer greater possibilities. Both are mediums for expression, one is centered around feelings while the other is centered around facts. Both strive for perfection and it is obvious when perfection is not achieved. By learning about communication through feelings and emotions, this helps with identifying opinion in writing and removing it for journaltic objectivity.
The instrument that I play, the flute, is a very sensitive instrument. It can mimic the colors and tones of the human voice, which means it is easier to connect to the listener. The amount of time and preparation required to play this instrument well builds the same focus and determination needed to produce an excellent article.
Remaining objective is a constant worry among journalists and people in the professional writing industry. It is critical for one to identify opinion and emotions and when is the right and wrong time to use them in writing. Music is all about expression and emotions so vigorously studying what emotions and opinions are makes it easier for me to identify opinions in writing. By studying music and journalism simultaneously, I am able to explore a depth of emotion and its expression in music giving me the ability to use emotion in a limited and targeted way in my professional writing.
As early as my Sophomore year at The College of New Jersey, I have cultivated a wide range of skills and abilities. My musical background and writing experience have made me the ideal writer to report on arts and culture events both on and off campus. I even had an article published in an international magaziene. I have made a niche for myself in the arts community and I am always looking for my next exciting project.
Published Works
The Signal:
Honors Festival Showcases High School Talent Percussion Ensemble Delivers Smashing Concert Concert Brings Blues to Campus TCNJ Orchestra Showcases Campus Talent Drums Add New Pulse to Senior Recital Fragments Fuses Array of Classical Works 'DnD' Play Brings Laughter, Tears to Blackbox Theater Recital Series Showcases Student TalentFlute Talk
All Flutists Should JuggleTrentondaily:
Boheme Opera is Back in New JerseyPerformances
The College of New Jersey
Freshman RecitalContact
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