The Best of the Best: Recommended Writing Blogs

The act of finding a writers’ blog is akin to finding a writer in a bookstore.  I’ve made a list of a few of my favorites for you to try out.  These three blogs should cover all of your writer’s needs, from the beginning of the writing process to the very end.  The skills in their repertoire?  The ability to kill that slump you’ve been in, keep you from living in a box, and take a magic wand to your writing.

For Inspiration – The Positive Writer

The Positive Writer is a blog by Bryan Hutchinson that offers advice for writers.  This blog’s primary focus is overcoming writer’s doubt.  Hutchinson has a lot to offer on this topic both in his blog and in his books, which are featured on the blog.  One of these books, “Good Enough,” is free, so head on over and snatch that up!

Recommended read: “How to Unlock Your Creativity and Stop Feeling Like a Failure”

This piece is a classic example of what The Positive Writer has to offer, as it focuses on Hutchinson’s main theme, overcoming doubt.  Hutchinson’s writing is very relatable and isolates several inspirational quotes that you might want to record somewhere and save for later.


Recommended read: “How to Give Your Novel a Kicker of a Concept”

Positive Writer has a lot more to offer.  This is a guest blog post written by C.S. Lakin about how to turn good ideas into novels.  This post provides valuable insight into how to develop story ideas so that they will be powerful enough to fuel a successful novel.  Follow the link to create your “concept with a kicker.”


For Polishing Your Skills – Live Write Thrive

            Just because we are surpassing our doubts as writers doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying to grow in our skills.  C.s. Lakin’s blog covers three topics:  Writing for Life (personal accounts of career paths that writers can implement into their character development), The Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing, and Grammar, Punctuation, and Confusables.

Recommended Read:  Keeping it Real: Avoiding Weak Construction in Dialogue

This is an example of a Fatal Flaws piece and is a very helpful guide to improving dialogue.  The piece provides helpful examples and easy to understand, descriptive rules for integrating dialogue.

For Financial Success – Alexis Grant

Grant’s blog covers a different element of the writer’s life… making money.  This blog is a go-to for information on financial decisions, marketing, and writing advice.  Grant also has a number of advice books and newsletters that writers can purchase.  Her personal focus as a writer is travel writing, so all you wanderlusts out there can follow her advice on travel writing and taking time off to travel.

Recommended Read: “Why You’re Failing to Make a Living as a Writer”

This piece will give a feel for Grant’s particular expertise.  We’ve learned about how to control our doubt, now let’s put that to work.  Grant’s advice, be confident in your work and don’t accept anything less than what your hard work is due.  If you’re tired of putting your soul into your writing and then only getting enough money to scrape by on, check this one out.


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